Welcome to our dedicated site for LED and LCD sign solutions. We offer the complete range of LCD digital signage, Video walls, LED displays, Queue systems, Exchange rate boards, and giant full colour LED Video screens. We write application software in-house to meet any requirement.
You will find our displays in over 23,000 sites worldwide such as retail, airports, hotels, factories, schools, universities, banks, hospitals, sports and public buildings.
Our vast experience is at your disposal. Contact us now.
Our range is probably the widest in the industry and includes : LCD TV displays with control systems, TV video walls, LED message displays, Queue Systems, Time and temperature displays, Factory Production Displays, Target versus Actual, Safety boards, Lost Time since last Accident boards, and Foreign Exchange Rate boards.
Our modular computerised system allows management of multiple services, data capture, reporting and integration with media. Slick hardware and software from an experienced company.
We produce a range of dynamic Parking Guidance displays and Variable Message systems (VMS) to help keep traffic moving leading up to car parks and within car park areas and avoid circulatory traffic congestion.
Display health and safety messages Display time since last lost time accident figures Show production targets, actual and efficiency. Display urgent or important messages instantly using our display screen technology - locally or across a network.
LED/LCD displays in sports venues and leisure centres. Our range of indoor and outdoor LED and LCD displays are ideal for delivering high impact messages and video in sport halls, stadiums, theatres and cinemas alike. Ideally suited for video playback screens, scoreboards, message displays as well as up and coming events.
We provide a complete range of LED displays, LCD screens and videowalls for hospital and clinic settings. Display systems for A&E, Phlebotomy clinics, etc. to show general messaging, waiting times and everything else.
We are committed to providing the highest quality service and support through our UK-wide network of qualified sign and software installers.
In-person or on the telephone, training is provided to all of our customers.
We maintain a full Support and Operations department with the latest technology operated by a professional team of dedicated support staff.
LED Signs Division
Jayex Technology Limited
13 Sovereign Business Park
Coronation Road
London, NW10 7QP
Phone: +44 (0)20 8838 6222
Fax: +44 (0)20 8838 3222
Sales email: sales@jayex.com
Support email: support@jayex.com