LED and LCD displays are ideal for applications to display changeable information in Local Governmental insitutions.
Use LED Signage to welcome visitors in receptions areas, lobbies, and waiting areas. Keep staff informed with up-to-the-minute messages delivered by the displays placed at key locations throughout your buildings.
If you have multiple buildings and large numbers of employees a centrally controlled network of displays with the facility for local messaging could be the way for you to communicate key enterprise messages to your entire workforce.
- Welcome guests and visitors
- Manage orderly queues
- Keep staff informed of key initiatives
- Advertise new training in opportunities
- Ensure visitors have brought the right information
- Show emergency information and procedures
- Introduce new services to your customers
- Improve customer services and customer relations
- Show Meeting Room use and schedules
- Display urgent or important messages instantly - locally or across a network
- Encourage customer feedback
LED and LCD signage can be locally or centrally managed and quickly and easily deployed.
Also see Recent projects - Milton Keynes Legalisation Centre